Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Conceptual Planning and Free PD

Ya'll, it's PD in your PJs

This year I am very proud to be presenting on managing mixed classrooms. Think: heritage learners with L2s, Novice-Lows with Intermediate-Lows, or having three or more preps. Does it hurt a little because it sounds so, so, so true?

In my PD session at the Spanish Teacher Success Academy, brought to us by Speaking Latino, I mention how conceptual planning has saved (some) of my sanity.

Not only does it help my planning, it is good for kids. It worked at the rural high school I taught at (department of one with five preps) and it works at the urban middle school I teach at now.

My video about conceptual planning is below! It's about 11 minutes (approximately one glass of wine, one bottle of beer, or two margaritas- don't risk the ice melting).

If you are interested in FREE PD (in your PJs... with wine, I made-up that part), here is my referral link. The FREE PD starts March 10 and lasts a week. Every day is something new. Heritage (me) day is Tuesday. The up-graded paid version is under $70 and gets you lifetime access to watch and re-watch on your own time, an attendance certificate, freebies from the presenters, and so much more. I've seen what's on there and I will be PDing for the next month. #worthit

Again, here is my referral link for #STSA19. http://spanishteachersuccessacademy.com/?orid=44317&opid=4

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