Friday, June 17, 2016

Level Up- TPRS/CI in level 3 and 4 courses

Comprehensible Iowa 2016- presentation
Here for online view

I am beyond excited to attend this conference tomorrow. I am presenting about using TPRS/CI methods and still preparing students for the traditional college courses.

If you don't know about CIIA, you are missing out, my friend. Visit their site here and prepare to come next year... I haven't been told they're doing it again, but wishful thinking goes a long ways.

You can find my PowerPoint presentation on my TpT for free, it is likely not super helpful if you weren't there, but you'll get the gist and I am happy to entertain questions on what I do (please, don't confuse that with expertise).

This was an amazing, uplifting, joyful experience. My teacher-nerd was fulfilled and I left spinning with philosophy and practice questions.

Also, there was a suggestions for next year form, so I am going to assume we get to do this again.

Here is the link to CIIA's Pinterest Page where they have beautifully organized presenter blogs, presentations, and recordings:
Comprehensible Input Iowa Pinterest Page

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